Week 10 - Number Theory - Applications

3 minute read

Cryptography Basics

  • Cryptography: Science of securing communication through secret codes.
  • Encryption: Converting plaintext to unreadable ciphertext using a secret key.
  • Decryption: Converting ciphertext back to plaintext using the same or a corresponding key.

Symmetric Cipher Model

  • Uses the same key for encryption and decryption.
    Example 1


Caesar Cipher

  • Simple substitution cipher that shifts letters by a fixed number.
  • Example: “HELLO” shifted by 3 becomes “KHOOR”.
    • H -> K (shifted 3 positions)
    • E -> H (shifted 3 positions)
    • L -> O (shifted 3 positions)
    • L -> O (shifted 3 positions)
    • O -> R (shifted 3 positions)
C: Cipher text
p: Plain text
k: Key (shift value)

Encryption formula:
C = (p + k) mod 26

Decryption formula:
p = (C - k) mod 26

Reference chart:


Affine Cipher

  • Combination of Caesar cipher and multiplication.
  • 312 possible keys
  • Example: “HELLO” with a = 5 and b = 8 becomes “ZEBBY”.
    • H -> Z (5 * 7 + 8) mod 26 = 25
    • E -> E (5 * 4 + 8) mod 26 = 4
    • L -> B (5 * 11 + 8) mod 26 = 1
    • L -> B (5 * 11 + 8) mod 26 = 1
    • O -> Y (5 * 14 + 8) mod 26 = 24
E(x): Encryption function
D(y): Decryption function
x: Plain text
y: Cipher text
a, b: Key values

Encryption formula:
y = (ax + b) mod 26

Decryption formula:
x = a⁻¹(y - b) mod 26

Vigenere Ciphers

  • Polyalphabetic (multiple) substitution cipher.
  • Uses a keyword to determine the shift for each character.
  • Example: “HELLO” with keyword “KEY” becomes “RIJVS”.
    • H -> R (shifted by 10 positions as per K)
    • E -> I (shifted by 4 positions as per E)
    • L -> J (shifted by 24 positions as per Y)
    • L -> V (shifted by 10 positions as per K)
    • O -> S (shifted by 4 positions as per E)

Instead of keyword, you might be given a number as a key.

Transposition Cipher

  • Rearranges the order of characters in the plaintext.
Keyword/phrase: EXAMPLE


  • Steps

    • write down the keyword at top
    • assign number to each letter based on alphabetical order
    • if a letter repeats (like “E” in our case), second occurrence is treated as the next letter in alphabetical order.
    • write plaintext in rows irrespective of how ugly they look.
    • create cypher tex by reading columns in assigned numbers (1 to 7)

Rail Fence Cipher

  • Example: “HELLO” with 3 rails becomes “HOELL”.
    • Write “HELLO” in a zigzag pattern with 3 rails:
        H . . . O
        . E . L .
        . . L . .
    • Read horizontally: “HOELL”

Frequency Analysis

  • Analyzing the frequency of characters in ciphertext to decrypt the message.

Asymmetric Cryptosystem

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Algorithm)

  • Developed by: Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman
  • RSA is an asymmetric cryptosystem, meaning it uses separate keys for encryption and decryption.
  • widely used


Steps to generate keys:

  1. Choose two large prime numbers p and q.
  2. Calculate n = p × q.
  3. Calculate the quotient function φ(n) = (p - 1) × (q - 1).
  4. Choose an integer e, such that 1 < e < φ(n) and gcd(φ(n), e) = 1 (e and φ(n) are relatively prime).
  5. Calculate the integer d, such that d × e ≡ 1 (mod φ(n)).
  6. The public key is {e, n}.
  7. The private key is {d, n}.

Encryption and Decryption:

  • Encryption: Ciphertext (C) = Message (M)^e mod n
  • Decryption: Message (M) = Ciphertext (C)^d mod n


  1. Choose primes p = 3 and q = 11.
  2. Compute n = 3 × 11 = 33.
  3. Compute φ(n) = (3 - 1) × (11 - 1) = 20.
  4. Choose e = 3, such that gcd(20, 3) = 1.
  5. Compute d = 7, such that d × e ≡ 1 (mod φ(n)).
  6. Public key: {e = 3, n = 33}.
  7. Private key: {d = 7, n = 33}.

Encryption: Message (M) = 7 Ciphertext (C) = (7^3) mod 33 = 13

Decryption: Ciphertext (C) = 13 Message (M) = (13^7) mod 33 = 7


  1. MarcT0K (icons by JGraph), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons