Semester 3 - Data Mining (Week 1-4)

2 minute read

Data MiningPermalink

  • Data Mining, also known as Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD), is a process used to extract valuable information from large sets of data.

  • It involves various aspects such as:
    • Data Types: Includes relational, transactional, data warehouse data, and complex data types like time-series, sequences, data streams, spatiotemporal data, multimedia data, text data, graphs, social networks, and Web data.

    • Knowledge Mined: Involves discovering patterns, associations, correlations, and causal structures.

    • Technologies Used: Incorporates machine learning, statistics, pattern recognition, neural networks, and visualization.

    • Applications: Extensively used in various fields such as business, science, engineering, and healthcare.

  • Major challenges
    • scalability,
    • handling different types of attributes,
    • dealing with noisy data, and
    • developing incremental clustering algorithms.

Summarize about the steps in Knowledge Discovery ProcessPermalink


Knowledge Discovery Process

  • Data Cleaning: Remove noise and inconsistent data.
  • Data Integration: Combine multiple data sources.
  • Data Selection: Data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from the database.
  • Data Transformation: Consolidate data into mining-friendly formats.
  • Data Mining: Apply intelligent methods to uncover patterns.
  • Pattern Evaluation: Identify valuable patterns via interestingness measures.
  • Knowledge Presentation: Visualization and knowledge representation techniques are used to present the mined knowledge.

Briefly summarize about “Transactional Data”Permalink

  • Refers to the data that records an exchange, agreement or transfer between entities.
  • Captures every system event detail.
  • Examples: order delivery, purchase orders, invoices.

Explain different Data Mining FunctionalitiesPermalink

  • Characterization/Discrimination: Summarize and contrast data.
  • Association/Correlation: Find relationships in data.
  • Classification/Regression: Create data models and predict labels.
  • Cluster Analysis: Group data into clusters.
  • Outlier Analysis: Identify non-compliant data.
  • Trend/Evolution: Describe trends over time.

What is a “Data Warehouse”? Explain the importance of DW in data mining field.Permalink


Three tier data warehousing architecture

Data Warehouse

  • Collects and manages data from various sources.
  • Enables strategic data use through a mix of technologies and components.
  • Offers consistent business view, irrespective of data source.
  • Acts as electronic storage for large information volumes.
  • Designed for query and analysis rather than transaction processing.
  • Transforms data into information for user analysis.

Important reasons for using Data warehouse

  • Integrates many sources of data and helps to decrease stress on a production system.
  • Optimized Data for reading access and consecutive disk scans.
  • Data Warehouse helps to protect Data from the source system upgrades.
  • Allows users to perform master Data Management.
  • Improve data quality in source systems.

What are the issues faced in Data mining?Permalink

  • Mining Methodology: Managing diverse data types, noise, uncertainty, scalability.
  • User Interaction: Maintaining simplicity, transparency, and user engagement.
  • Efficiency and Scalability: Ensuring fast, scalable data processing.
  • Diversity of Database Types: Handling various data types and sources.
  • Data Mining and Society: Navigating information misuse, privacy, security.