Semester 3 - Python - Assignment 3

1 minute read


  1. Consider the following function:

     def square(num):
         num_squared = num ** 2
         return num_squared

    Which line of codes is the function’s signature?

    Answer: def square(num):

  2. What is the output of the following function call?

     def fun1(name, age=20):
         print(name, age)
     fun1('Emma', 25)

    Answer: Emma 25

  3. What is the output of the following display_person() function call?

     def display_person(*args):
         for i in args:
     display_person(name="Emma", age="25")

    Answer: TypeError: display_person() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name'

  4. What is the output of the add() function call?

     def add(a, b):
         return a+5, b+5
     result = add(3, 2)

    Answer: (8, 7)

  5. Select which is true for Python function:

    • A Python function can return only a single value
    • A function can take an unlimited number of arguments
    • A Python function can return multiple values
    • Python function doesn’t return anything unless and until you add a return statement


    • A function can take an unlimited number of arguments
    • A Python function can return multiple values
  6. Write a program to create a function that takes two arguments, name and age, and print their value.

     def print_name_and_age(name, age):
         print("Name:", name)
         print("Age:", age)
     # Call the function
     print_name_and_age("John", 30)
  7. Write a program to create function func1() to accept a variable length of arguments and print their value.

     def func1(*args):
         for arg in args:
  8. Write a program to create function calculation() such that it can accept two variables and calculate addition and subtraction. Also, it must return both addition and subtraction in a single return call.

     def calculation(num1, num2):
         add = num1 + num2
         sub = num1 - num2
         return add, sub
     # Call the function
     result = calculation(10, 5)
  9. Write a program to create a recursive function to calculate the sum of numbers from 0 to 10.

     def recursive_sum(n):
         if n == 0:
             return 0
             return n + recursive_sum(n-1)
     # Call the recursive_sum function with argument 10 and print the result
     result = recursive_sum(10)
  10. Generate a Python list of all the even numbers between 4 to 30.

    even_numbers = []
    for num in range(4, 31):
        if num % 2 == 0: