Distributed System - Important Topics - Part 4


  • It is the process of maintaining the data at multiple computers.
  • Necessary for
    1. Improving performance
    2. Increasing the availability of services
    3. Enhancing the scalability of systems
    4. Securing against malicious attacks
  • Key issue: if there are many replicas of the same thing, how do we keep all of them up-todate? How do we maintain consistency of replicated data?

Consistency Models

  1. Data-Centric Consistency Models
    • Continuous
    • Sequential
    • Causal
  2. Client-Centric Consistency Models
    • Monotonic Reads
    • Monotonoc Writes
    • Read Your Writes
    • Write Follow Reads

Data-store (Optional)


The general organization of a logical data store, physically distributed and replicated across multiple processes.

  • A data store is a service that stores data, E.g., databases, file systems, web servers
  • Consists of multiple servers each containing a copy of all the data items stored in the data store
  • Can be read from or written to by any process in a DS.
  • Reads are performed locally
  • Writes are performed locally first and then propagated to remote replicas

1. Data-Centric Consistency Models

a. Continuous Consistency

  • Applications can specify tolerable inconsistencies. Three axes of inconsistencies:

    1. Numerical value deviation between replicas.
    2. Staleness deviation between replicas.
    3. Update operation ordering deviation.
  • These are termed as “continuous consistency ranges.”

b. Sequential Consistency


(a) A sequentially consistent data store. (b) A data store that is not sequentially consistent.

  • A weaker consistency model, which represents a relaxation of the rules.
  • It is also much easier (possible) to implement.
  • All clients see all (write) operations performed in the same order:
    • Assumes all operations are executed in some sequential order
    • Program order is maintained (i.e., the order of writes as performed by a single process must be maintained)
    • All processes see the same ordering of operations

c. Causal Consistency


This sequence is allowed with a causally-consistent store, but not with a sequentially consistent store.


(a) A violation of a causally-consistent store. (b) A correct sequence of events in a causally-consistent store.

  • Weaker than sequential consistency
  • Two operations are causally related if:
    • A read is followed by a write in the same client
    • A write of a data item is followed by a read of that data item in any client
  • Writes that are potentially causally related must be seen by all processes in the same order.
  • Concurrent writes may be seen in a different order on different machines (i.e., by different processes as long as program order is respected).

2. Client-Centric Consistency Models

  • Client-centric consistency provides guarantees for a single client for its accesses to a data-store


The read operations performed by a single process P at two different local copies of the same data store. (a) A monotonic-read consistent data store. (b) A data store that does not provide monotonic reads.

a. Monotonic reads:

  • If a process reads the value of a data item x, any successive read operation on x by that process will always return that same value or a more recent value.


The write operations performed by a single process P at two different local copies of the same data store. (a) A monotonic-write consistent data store. (b) A data store that does not provide monotonic-write consistency.

b. Monotonic writes:

  • A write operation by a process on a data item x is completed before any successive write operation on x by the same process.


(a) A data store that provides read-your-writes consistency. (b) A data store that does not.

c. Read your writes:

  • The effect of a write operation by a process on data item x will always be seen by a successive read operation on x by the same process.


(a) A writes-follow-reads consistent data store. (b) A data store that does not provide writes-follow-reads consistency.

d. Writes follow reads:

  • A write operation by a process on a data item x following a previous read operation on x by the same process is guaranteed to take place on the same or more recent value of x that was read.

Reliability and Fault Tolerance


  • Fault-tolerance is related to dependability, which covers:
    1. Availability: Readiness for usage
    2. Reliability: Continuity of service delivery
    3. Safety: Very low probability of catastrophes
    4. Maintainability: How easy a failed system may be repaired.

Basic Terminologies

  • Failure: When a component is not living up to its specifications, a failure occurs.
  • Error: That part of a component’s state that can lead to a failure.
  • Fault: The cause of an error.

Fault — causes —> Error— results in —> Failure

Different Fault Management Techniques:

  • Fault prevention: Prevent the occurrence of a fault.
  • Fault tolerance: Build a component in such a way that it can meet its specifications in the presence of faults (i.e., mask the presence of faults).
  • Fault removal: Reduce the presence, number, and seriousness of faults.
  • Fault forecasting: Estimate the present number, future incidence, and the consequences of faults.

Failure Models/Types of Failures

Mask Failures By Redundancy

The key technique for masking faults is to use redundancy

Hardware Redundancy

  • Two computers are employed for a single application, one acting as a standby
    • Very costly, but often very effective solution
  • Redundancy can be planned at a finer grain
    • Individual servers can be replicated
    • Redundant hardware can be used for non-critical activities when no faults are present
    • Redundant routes in network

Process Redundancy

  • Process groups:
    • All members of a group receive a message sent to the group.
    • If one process fails, others can take over.
    • Can be dynamic; processes can have multiple memberships.

Flat versus hierarchical groups

CAP Theorem

  • The CAP theorem states “A system can be either strongly consistent (C) or available (A) during a network partition (P)”.

  • Consistency (C): A shared and replicated data item appears as a single, up-to-date copy.
  • Availability (A): Updates will always be eventually executed.
  • Partition-tolerance (P): The system is tolerant to the partitioning of a process group (e.g., because of a failing network).

Consensus - Concept

  • Reaching Agreement is a fundamental problem in distributed computing, e.g, mutual exclusion, leader election, totally ordered multicast, ATC system, Spaceship engine control (proceed or abort)
  • There are three requirements:
    1. Agreement: every process must output the same value
    2. Validity: every value output must have been provided as the input for some process
    3. Termination: eventually, every process must output a value.

Variants of Consensus Problem

  • Consensus Problem (C)
    • Each process proposes a value
    • All processes agree on a single value
  • Byzantine Generals Problem (BG)
    • Process fails arbitrarily, byzantine failure
    • Still processes need to agree
  • Interactive Consistency (IC)
    • Each process propose its value
    • All processes agree on the vector

Failure Detection

  • Each process is equipped with a failure detection module.
  • A process P probes another process Q for a reaction.
  • If Q reacts: Q is considered to be alive (by P).
  • If Q does not react within t time units: Q is suspected to have crashed.
  • Observation for a synchronous system:
    • A suspected crash => a known crash

Reliable Client-Server Communication

  • A communication channel may exhibit crash, omission, timing, and arbitrary failures.
  • Pont-to-point communication:
    • TCP can mask omission failure, but not crash failure, where the connection is broken.
    • One way to deal with it is to generate an exception, or automatically setup a new connection
  • RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) semantics (behavior) in the presence of failure:
    • The client is unable to locate the server.
    • The request message from the client to the server is lost.
    • The server crashes after receiving a request.
    • The reply message from the server to the client is lost.
    • The client crashes after sending a request.
    • Two “easy” solutions:
      1. If unable to locate the server: just report back to the client.
      2. If the request was lost: just resend the message.
  • RPC semantics: Server Crash
    • Server crashes have different semantics:
      • at least once: server guarantees that the RPC has been carried out at least once
      • at most once: server guarantees that the RPC has been carried out at most one time
      • guarantee nothing: RPC may have been carried out anywhere from zero to a large number of times.
      • exactly once: executed only one time, ensuring that there are no duplicates and no lost calls (impossible to achieve)

Checkpoint and Message Logging


  • Checkpoint: Each process saves its state time to time to a local stable storage
  • Independent Checkpoint: Each process independently takes snapshot
  • Coordinated Checkpoint: Each process takes a checkpoint after a globally coordinated action

Message Logging

Instead of taking an (expensive) checkpoint, try to replay your (communication) behavior from the most recent checkpoint

  • store messages in a log ⇒ replay your (communication) behavior from the most recent checkpoint

  • Assumption: Assume a piecewise deterministic execution model:

    • The execution of each process can be considered as a sequence of state intervals
    • Each state interval starts with a nondeterministic event (e.g., message receipt)
    • Execution in a state interval is deterministic

By logging non-deterministic events for later replay, a deterministic execution model is established, facilitating recovery from failures.