Software Engineering - Important Topics - Part 1

Why Software Engineering?

  • Need for Software Engineering:

    • Large Software: Engineering methods needed for managing large-scale software.

    • Scalability: Engineering principles essential for easily expanding existing software.

    • Cost: Hardware costs are decreasing, but software remains expensive without proper processes.

    • Dynamic Nature: Software needs to adapt to changing user needs; engineering helps in this.

    • Quality Management: Better development processes lead to higher-quality software.

Terminologies to know before reading about SDLC (Optional)

Terminologies and Abbreviation

Project Phases


Project Phases

  • Concept: “Why” phase
    • not a mandatory
    • collects ideas, project justification, initial planning & estimates
  • Requirements: “What” phase
    • inputs SOW, proposal
    • outputs
      • Requirements Document (RD) a.k.a.Requirements Specification Document (RSD), Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
      • 1st Project Baseline
      • Software Project Management Plan (SPMP)
    • 2 types
      • functional: features & capabilities
      • Non-functional: technical (everything else)
    • Ends with SRR
  • Analysis & Design: “How” phase
    • Top-level design & detailed design
    • Inputs requirement documents
    • Outputs:
      • Functional Specification
      • Detailed Design Document
      • User Interface Specification
      • Data Model
      • Prototype (can also be done with requirements)
      • Updated Plan (improved estimates; new baseline)
    • Ends with CDR
  • Developement: “Do It” phase
    • Coding & unit testing
  • Integration & Test: Evolves from developement phase
    • Integration –> programmer’s task, Test –> QA team’s task
    • Starts with integration of modules
    • initial incomplete version is constructed
    • progressively more components are added
    • 3 integration testing strategies:
        1. Big Bang: Integrates all modules to build full system. High-risk, needs good documentation.
        1. Bottom-Up: Tests low-level components first, then high-level. Efficient in error detection.
        1. Top-Down: Tests top modules first, then subsystems. Good for detecting lost links.
    • Tests:
      • Integration testing
      • Black & White-box testing
      • Load & Stress testing
      • Alpha & Beta testing
      • Acceptance testing
  • Deployment & Maintenance:
    • Deployment –> delivering the product to the customer and take feedback
    • Maintenance –> fix defects, add features, improve performance
      • Configuration control is important

Sofware Life Cycle Models (SDLC)

  1. Build & Fix Model
  2. Waterfall Model
  3. V Model
  4. Prototype Model
  5. Incremental Model
  6. Iterative Model
  7. Spiral Model
  8. Evolutionary Process Model
  9. Agile Model

Build & Fix Model

  • Product is constructed without specifications or any attempt at design
  • Adhoc approach and not well defined
  • Simple two-phase model
  • Suitable for small programming exercises of 100 or 200 lines.
  • Unsatisfactory for software for any reasonable size
  • Code soon becomes unfixable
  • No room for structured design
  • Maintenance is practically not possible

Waterfall Model

  • Also known as ‘Linear Sequential Model’ or ‘Classic Life Cycle Model’.
  • Each phase completed before next starts.
  • Used for small projects.
  • Feedback after each phase for course correction.
  • Testing starts after development is complete.

Waterfall Model - Phases

  • Advantages
    • Clear project structure and phases.
    • Easy to manage due to its rigidity.
    • Defined stages and deliverables.
    • Suitable for projects with clear requirements.
  • Disadvantages
    • Not flexible; difficult to go back to previous stages.
    • Not ideal for complex and object-oriented projects.
    • Assumes requirements are known upfront.
    • Lengthy project durations due to sequential phases.
  • When to use
    • When requirements are clear and fixed.
    • For short projects with a clear scope.
    • When there’s a clear understanding of the technology being used.
    • In projects where the client has a clear vision and doesn’t anticipate changes.

V Model

  • Stands for Verification and Validation.
  • Sequential like Waterfall, each phase completed before next.
  • Testing planned parallel to development.

V-Model - Phases

  • Advantages:
    • Simple, easy to use.
    • Early test planning, saves time.
    • Proactive defect tracking.
    • Good for small projects with clear requirements.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Rigid, least flexible.
    • No early prototypes.
    • Changes require document updates.
  • When to Use:
    • Small to medium projects with fixed, clear requirements.
    • Ample technical resources and expertise available.

Prototype Model

  • Built to understand requirements, not a complete system.
  • Gives client an “actual feel” of the system.
  • Ideal for complex, large systems with unclear requirements.

  • Advantages:
    • Active user involvement.
    • Early error detection.
    • Quick user feedback.
    • Easy identification of missing or confusing functions.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Leads to “implement and repair” approach.
    • May increase system complexity.
    • Risk of incomplete application.
    • Inadequate problem analysis.
  • When to Use:
    • High user interaction, like online systems and web interfaces.
    • Best for systems requiring minimal end-user training.
    • Good for designing human-computer interface systems.

Incremental Model

  • Divides requirements into builds, follows a “multi-waterfall” cycle.
  • Each module goes through requirements, design, implementation, and testing.
  • Working software produced early, functionality added incrementally.

  • Advantages:
    • Quick, early working software.
    • Flexible, easier to change scope.
    • Easier to test and debug in small iterations.
    • Customer can respond to each build.
    • Low initial delivery cost.
    • Easier risk management.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Requires good planning and design.
    • Needs complete system definition before incremental build.
    • Total cost higher than waterfall.
  • When to Use:
    • Clear, well-understood requirements.
    • Need for early market entry.
    • Using new technology.
    • Limited skilled resources.
    • High-risk features and goals.

Spiral Model

  • Similar to Incremental, focuses on risk analysis.
  • Four phases: Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering, Evaluation.
  • Repeats these phases in iterations called Spirals.

  • Phases:
    • Planning: Gather requirements like BRS and SRS.
    • Risk Analysis: Identify risks, suggest alternate solutions, produce prototype.
    • Engineering: Software development and testing.
    • Evaluation: Customer evaluates project output.
  • Advantages:
    • High focus on risk analysis.
    • Good for large, mission-critical projects.
    • Strong documentation control.
    • Early software production.
    • Allows adding functionality later.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Costly to use.
    • Requires risk analysis expertise.
    • Success dependent on risk analysis.
    • Not suitable for small projects.
  • When to Use:
    • Important cost and risk evaluation.
    • Medium to high-risk projects.
    • Unclear user needs or complex requirements.
    • Expecting significant changes.

Iterative Model

  • Starts with partial requirements, develops part of the software, then reviews to identify more requirements.
  • Repeats process until complete product is developed.

  • Advantages:
    • Allows high-level design before full build.
    • Early defect tracking.
    • Reliable user feedback.
    • More time for designing, less for documenting.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Each iteration phase is rigid, no overlaps.
    • Costly issues may arise due to incomplete upfront requirements.
  • When to Use:
    • Clear, well-understood requirements.
    • Large-scale projects.
    • Major requirements defined, but some details can evolve.

Evolutionary Process Model

  • Combines iterative and incremental approaches.
  • Phases similar to waterfall but cyclical.
  • Requirements, plans, and solutions evolve over time.
  • “Design a little, build a little, test a little, deploy a little.”
  • Develop core part first, then incremental features.
  • Collect customer feedback and modify requirements.

  • Advantages:
    • Better risk analysis.
    • Adapts to changing environment.
    • Quick initial operation.
    • Good for large, mission-critical projects.
    • Early software production for customer feedback.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Ad hoc design possible.
    • Management complexity.
    • Requires skilled resources for risk analysis.
    • Not for small projects.
    • Can be costly.
  • When to Use:
    • New, not well-understood technology.
    • Complex projects with unstable requirements.
    • Large projects.
    • Object-oriented development.
    • Client prefers incremental delivery.

Agile Model

  • A type of Incremental model with rapid, small, incremental releases.
  • Known for Extreme Programming (XP) among other Agile methodologies.

  • Advantages:
    • Rapid, continuous delivery for customer satisfaction.
    • Emphasizes people and interactions over process and tools.
    • Frequent delivery of working software.
    • Face-to-face communication prioritized.
    • Close cooperation between business and developers.
    • Focus on technical excellence and good design.
    • Adapts to changing circumstances.
    • Welcomes late changes in requirements.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Difficult to assess effort for large projects upfront.
    • Lack of emphasis on design and documentation.
    • Risk of project derailment if customer is unclear.
    • Not suitable for inexperienced programmers.
  • When to Use:
    • When frequent changes are expected.
    • Limited initial planning is acceptable.
    • Dynamic business and IT environment.
    • Provides flexibility to both developers and stakeholders.

Comparison Table

Model Key Feature Best For Flexibility Risk Focus Early Software Advantages Disadvantages
Build & Fix No specs, ad-hoc Small tasks High No Immediate Quick start No maintainability
Waterfall Sequential phases Small, clear scope Low No Late Easy to manage Rigid
V Model Parallel testing Small-medium, clear scope Low No Late Early test planning No early prototypes
Prototype Early ‘feel’ of system Unclear requirements High No Early Quick feedback Incomplete apps
Incremental Multi-waterfall, builds Well-defined, new tech Medium No Early Low initial cost Higher total cost
Iterative Partial requirements, reviews Large, evolving details Medium No Early User feedback Costly issues
Spiral Risk analysis Large, unclear scope High Yes Early Risk management Costly
Evolutionary Iterative + Incremental Large, new tech High Yes Early Adapts to change Management complexity
Agile Rapid cycles Changing requirements High No Early High flexibility Not for newbies

Functional requirements/Non-functional requirements

Functional Requirements

  • Definition: Requirements specified by the end user for basic functionalities.
  • What It Does: Specifies what the system should do.
  • Who Specifies: End user.
  • Mandatory: Yes.
  • Captured in use case
  • Testing: Functional Testing (System, Integration, API, etc.)
  • Examples:
    1. User authentication.
    2. System shutdown in case of cyber-attack.
    3. Verification email upon registration.
  • Advantages:
    • Helps in defining the system’s functionality.
    • Easier to identify missing requirements.
    • Cheaper to fix errors at this stage.
    • Supports user goals and tasks.

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Definition: Quality attributes the system must satisfy.
  • What It Does: Places constraints on how the system should fulfill functional requirements.
  • Who Specifies: Technical people (Architects, Developers).
  • Mandatory: No.
  • Captured In quality attributes.
  • Testing: Non-Functional Testing (Performance, Stress, Usability, Security, etc.)
  • Examples:
    1. Email latency no greater than 12 hours.
    2. Request processing within 10 seconds.
    3. Site should load in 3 seconds for >10,000 users.
  • Advantages:
    • Ensures legal and compliance rules are followed.
    • Ensures reliability, performance, and user experience.
    • Helps in formulating security policy.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Affects high-level software subsystems.
    • Requires special consideration, increasing costs.
    • Difficult to modify after architecture phase.